Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The great weekly poker nite

The great weekly poker nite
made it to the great weekly poker nite last nite. you would have loved it. they are serious. the two dutch guys had gone out in a boat with locals that day and came back with 9 lobster, which they bbqed, and we feasted. so far so good. then came poker. texas blind draw whatever in hell that is. very confusing, and the crusher was that they insist on playing till one person holds all the chips. By midnite most just prayed it would be over but no one was willing to just pay out the remaining chips and call it a nite. They had their custom and deviation was verboten. Interesting dynamic as some were willing but one loud woman was not and she carried the eve. i gave up at 1am, announced they could have all my chips and fell into a nearby hammock. hosts house circulates and this time was too far for me to walk home, but someone who had dropped out took pity on me and drove me home. who says whining has no benefits? The only other problem was that they all smoke cigarettes like chimneys, and even in a 2nd floor room with few walls and no windows I felt like a slowly smoked fish. Last nite was first rain so far, and continued off and on today. its so cold i have to wear a tee shirt in the house and now must put on long pants. brutal. Today was to be my first foray to Puerto for shopping, but the rains kept me house bound. Manana.

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