Wednesday, February 3, 2010

this is too cool

This is too cool. Late afternoon I took a scooter ride half way to Puerto to the fancy swiss deli. He’s got stuff no one else has. I don’t venture that far often, so I stocked up and spent all the money I had with me. I hadn’t left manz since arrival so thought I had plenty of gas. Thought wrong, and ran out of gas on way home. Fuck. Its dark, i have no idea where I can get gas and if I can even find it I have no money to buy it. A quad came by, driver wearing manz tee shirt. Whistled him down, figuring I could hitch a ride and come back in morn w/ money and find gas. No, he was local, not going to manz. Did he at least know where I could find gas? Yes, 100m up on left. Wow, only 100 m when It could have been miles. Pushed my scooter up the guys drive way, and explained in fractured sp that I lived in manz, spent all my money on groceries, but if he’d front me a gallon of gas id leave my groceries as collateral till morning. Pointed to my head, and said poco stupido. He poured me a gallon, and then waved off my groceries. Its ok, come back and pay me in the morning. I could expect that in my village, where people know me, but this was too far for rumors of the crazy gringo odd job to have reached, and so this guy didn’t know me from adam. But he trusted me. Pretty cool eh?

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