Wednesday, February 3, 2010

report from the tropics 2

Report from the tropics 2
Well, it is officially the end of the rainy season on the Caribbean coast. How do I know? Because today, the road grader, water truck and road roller appeared from wherever they hide the rest of the year and graded the main st of the fair metropolis of manzanillo. Seems to me that last year they appeared at least a month later. Assume they will continue on to Puerto in days to come and I wont have to hear visiting friends complain about our world class pot holes. Or to quote skip alan smith, maybe, maybe not.
And now for the rest of the story. There is an old joke that goes, ask 3 people for their opinion and you will get 4 opinions. I think the following qualifies. I previously mentioned that the govt has dropped off cement parts for septic tanks in most front yards in the village. Looked good to me. However my Hungarian-american friend clint, who as one of the first foreigners to settle here has refined pessimism to a high art form, was quick to opine that it would never happen. He pointed out that they were delivered in X[forgot the month, but it was impressively long ago], have laid around peoples yards since , and no one knows what to do with them. Some use em as tables, and after a while some of the more fragile parts break. Abel says everyone is waiting for some govt inspectors to arrive and tell us how to install em. Clint says it will never happen. He points out that it was not the govt per se that supplied em, but that some mysterious benefactor donated $250,000 to purchase em, to protect the local ocean and ground water from contamination. The goal seems to be to have our beach receive a blue rating for cleanliness, which will impress tourists who will flock here in ddroves and leave cash behind. And so it goes with the ecological movement. so dennis the de facto mayor did sue some of the grant money to purchase em. And just possibly pocketed some spare change in the deal, as clint is no fan of dennis. But that is a separate tale, and we may never know for sure. Be that as it may, they were delivered, and have sat ever since. Again, no one knows what to do with em. And of course, if they did, and it required effort, how many would do so? and so we seem to have achieved Snafu: which is short for: situation normal, all fouled up.

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